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364 articles.

Top 8 Women’s Sport Marketing Campaigns

It’s been a great month for women’s sport with Vitality, Three and Pepsi all showing their support in different ways. The news that Pepsi is sponsoring the UEFA’s women’s league is probably the most exciting. Not just because it’s another big brand supporting women’s sport. It’s also because of the possibilities of how the brand […]

Freewheeling into trouble? The pitfalls of eScooter hire schemes

Amid the cacophony of Coronavirus news, the government made it legal for people to use e-Scooters in the UK from Saturday… or at least that’s what the headlines implied. Instead, what the government has actually done is make it legal to rent e-scooters through companies such as Bird and Lime. In London, the introduction of […]

Performance Adds Andersen to its Growing Technology Stable

Performance Communications has been appointed by Andersen, a British manufacturer and installer of high-end electric vehicle charge points to handle its integrated Marketing and Communications programme. Addressing the booming electric vehicle market, Andersen, which recently became a recommended provider for Porsche GB, is the leading style-conscious home charger on the market for those who want […]

Subscriptions, buying online and free home deliveries. Welcome to Post C-19 car buying?

It perhaps shouldn’t have come as a surprise when the grim April SMMT figures announced that Tesla Model 3 had topped the most sold list, given April saw the start of the new Benefit In Kind tax perks for EVs. That said, Tesla could find themselves in a continued fortuitous position. They moved to an […]

Five Keys to the Realisation of Cycling’s Brave New Dawn

Like many, I am genuinely excited that the growth of UK cycling could be one of the few silver linings of the Covid-19 pandemic. Public transport is out. Room on our roads for cars is finite. The government has committed to put cycling at the heart of its transport policy. Finances have been assigned to […]

Car buying and ownership habits in the Middle East – are they changing?

InstaShop, Careem, Deliveroo – all household names in Dubai that have only popped up in recent years, yet seem to have become somewhat essential technology for our daily lives. You can get all your grocery shopping delivered to your house via InstaShop while you are in your Careem on the way to work after ordering […]

How Sports are Adapting During Lockdown

While professional sports clubs and associations are utilising the free time of their stars to engage with fans while sport is on-hold (see my previous blog), many are now adapting to provide some sort of competition and whet the appetite of the action-starved sporting public before normality is restored. I’ve highlighted my favourites and will […]

Is this the end of the International car launch? Or rather, should it be?

I’m going to say something to spark a debate…I think it is the right time to do away with the copybook tradition of the ‘international car launch’. Not just the static one (the old guard motor shows and the trend of destination ‘reveals’) but the dynamic ones too. It’s something I’ve mulled over for a […]

Top Five Sports’ Content During Lockdown

Whilst sporting life as we know it cannot continue, professional sports teams and associations have been engaging with fans to help take their minds away from the current troubles, if only for a moment, and use the influence their players provide to drive home the #stayhome messaging. I’ve created a top five, from professional teams […]

The Virtual Grand National and why I’ll be watching

I love horse racing. Specifically, I love the jumps. Why? No single motivation, but instead I’m drawn by its uniquely magnetic combination of the thrill of betting, being outside and enjoying the countryside, socialising, eating, drinking and dressing up. A major highlight of jumps each year is the Aintree Festival and its showpiece, the Grand […]

Premium electric vehicle home-charger brand, Andersen choose Performance

Less than a year after launching its new Technology division, Performance Communications announces its latest client win, having been appointed by Andersen, a British manufacturer and installer of high-end electric vehicle charge points. Addressing the booming electric vehicle market, Andersen is the leading style-conscious home charger on the market for those who don’t just want […]

2035 petrol and diesel ban is one thing, but what about the race to renewable electricity?

Last year I bought an electric vehicle, or a BEV (Battery Electric Vehicle) if we’re adopting the abbreviations that dominate the automotive electrification landscape. Today, the consumer has the choice of a PHEV, HEV, MHEV, Hybrid…or for some brands, the somewhat controversial marketing descriptor a ‘self-charging’ car. As we all know, the Government recently announced […]

Motorcycle Parking – Where are motorcycles allowed to park?

Confession time… last month I got a parking ticket. Okay, not a groundbreaking confession, but it was annoying and expensive. And for me is an example of one of the few annoyances of riding a motorcycle – the inconsistent rules regarding bikes, and specifically, motorcycle parking. Since passing my motorcycle test, there have been very […]

Nike shoe controversy

Technological advancements in sport are guaranteed just as much as death and taxes. Nike has recently found that improvements can possibly go too far and put noses seriously out of joint! While the annual F1 tech debate arises annually when a cluster of teams significantly outgun the rest, the debate in the legality of the […]

Will motorcycles go electric?

Is it inevitable that motorcycles will go electric? In the UK, interest in electric cars has grown strongly over the last four years: However, searches for electric motorcycles have been slower to take off: So why is consumer interest low? Are bikers inherently less green? Seemingly not, they are simply more pragmatic; almost a quarter […]

A Lesson in being bold…from a rodent

Sometimes in life – and work – reminders about how to be successful come from the unlikeliest of sources. In the business we call comms, it’s often easy to forget the power of being bold. From an agency point of view, we are often beholden to clients and the restrictions they place on our unabated […]

Can electric bicycles help pull motorcycles out of a hole?

Remora fish use suction to stick to sharks or whales. They help remove dead skin from the host while benefiting from the protection of the bigger fish. The relationship can sometimes be mistaken for a parasitic one. But look closer and you can see the vital role both play in the ecosystem. One supports the […]

Performance Comms Middle East Awards wins

Late last night, on the outer limits of a certain palm-shaped island, the Middle East team were celebrating three fantastic wins at the Middle East PR Association Awards. Performance Comms ME picked up the gongs in the Best Automotive Campaign, Best Consumer Goods Campaign and Best Use of Sponsorship categories. The team made the shortlist […]

Prince Andrew is in a crisis of his own making

It’s all about controlling the narrative, getting ahead of the story – so the old crisis comms adage goes. Presumably, that’s what Prince Andrew was trying to do with his disastrous interview with Newsnight’s Emily Maitlis on Saturday night. The outcome. Column inch after column inch of criticism in every major news outlet, in print […]

Autonomous vehicle software leader, Oxbotica appoints Performance for integrated communications programme

Following the launch of its Technology division last Summer, Performance Communications has been appointed by Oxbotica, a leader in autonomous vehicle software, to handle its integrated Marketing and Communications programme. Since it was founded out of Academia in 2014, Oxbotica has really put the UK on the map at the forefront of self-driving vehicle development. […]

Performance Charges Ahead With Electric Truck Pioneer, Tevva Motors

Electric commercial vehicle technology supplier, Tevva Motors Ltd, has selected Performance Communications to handle its PR and communications function. Tevva, based in Chelmsford, Essex, has emerged as a world leader in the development and provision of technologies that can electrify almost any existing, medium-duty (7.5t-14t) truck. While the ambition, economics and timeline of OEM electrification […]

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