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I predict a prediction

Performance Communications Author Image Performance Communications | January 10, 2019

Here we are, January 2019. I know, I can’t believe it either.

It’s a time of year I enjoy, a time to reflect and a time to plot some new challenges, both personally and professionally.

It’s also the time of year that some of the marketing industry’s top ‘experts’ come out of the woodwork. They start telling us what trends to look out for in 2019, where social media will be in five years and that by 2029 VR headsets will be running parliament.

Do you sense the sarcasm?

Let’s be honest with ourselves. We could all make a few predictions for 2019 but no one has a clue what surprises the marketing and communications world has in store for us in the next week let alone the next decade. 15 years ago Facebook didn’t exist, in 2010 Kevin Systrom posted the first photo to Instagram and six years ago Tinder wasn’t a thing. One of the world’s biggest social media publishing houses LadBible has just reached its sixth birthday and influencer marketing, well, who had heard of that a few years ago?

I could go on… but I won’t.

What I will do, however, is suggest a few things that are a bit more known or in our control.

What we know

Firstly, we know that ‘stuff’ (appreciate that’s a broad term but it sums up what’s happening in our industry) will continue to happen. We also know that loads of new ‘stuff’ will happen.

Secondly, a good story will always be a good story. Human beings will continue to want to read, watch or hear about good stories. If we continue to help our brands tell their own story in an engaging way, people will continue to engage with them. Ergo happy clients.

What we hope for

Integration. Integration. Integration. The hope is that the walls continue coming down between the varying marketing functions. We know from various research and our own experience that an integrated campaign is more impactful for a brand. Let’s stop the inter-agency animosity and work together. A good idea is a good idea and can come from anywhere.

How we should approach 2019

Start by taking stock of 2018. Take time to reflect and identify the learnings, what you could have done differently, what you could have done better. Make a short, realistic list of things to achieve or implement and do them.

Then be open to what this year may bring.

While this blog may seem like a bit of a rant about trend forecasters, it’s not. It’s about being proactive or reactive about the right things. While we don’t necessarily know what those new things will be, we should be open to finding out more. We should be curious. All the best award-winning agencies have curiosity at their core. Read, research, get out and about – educate yourself. You’ll be a better marketing professional as a result.

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Be Bold.

It’s time to come off the fence:

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