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Influencer Demo Event

The Brief.

We were tasked with generating brand awareness for Bell Textron through social media channels, in order to help promote the Bell 505 and 429 in the corporate VIP and private aviation sectors.

Due to the high cost of demonstration events, we needed to make the most of an existing sales demo event to ensure the activation offered the best value for money as possible.

Our Response.

We invited three aviation influencers to Oberpfaffenhofen Airport near Munich to experience a demo flight in the Bell 505 and 429. Pilot Jonas and Pilot Limburg, both commercial airline pilots with over 450,000 Instagram followers between them, filmed content for their channels, whilst Pilot Bambi, an adventurous light aircraft pilot with a large YouTube and Instagram following, filmed an in-depth review of the Bell 505.

To make the most of the event, Pilot Bambi also filmed a testimonial video for Bell’s own YouTube channel, and imagery and video content was captured with all three influencers for Bell to use editorially and internally.

The Results.

  • 19 social posts
  • 3.6 million impressions and reach of 3.57 million
  • Testimonial video from @PilotBambi for Bell’s own YouTube Channel – its most viewed video in 2023 YTD
  • YouTube video on @PilotBambi’s channel with 115,000 subscribers

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